HST (Harmonized Sales Tax) is a combination of Federal Goods & Services Tax (GST) and Ontario Retail Sales Tax (RST or PST).
How much is HST in Ontario? What percentage is HST?
HST was introduced on 1st July 2010. The tax totals 13% (5% GST and 8% RST). The most significant change since implementation has been on services that weren’t subject to the Ontario Retail Sales Tax.
Main pros
HST eliminates hidden PST which had been “buried” in the price of final goods and services for a long time. The tax was meant to reduce costs incurred by businesses potentially allowing resulting savings to be passed on to consumers. HST has other pros such as making it easier for businesses that charge PST and GST. Such businesses only need to worry about one sales tax.
Goods and Services Subject to HST
HST affects a number of common goods and services the most notable being gasoline and heating fuels. What’s more; electricity is no longer exempt from provincial sales tax. Personal services such as club and gym memberships, taxi fares, magazines, and haircuts have been affected.
Services related to home ownership like legal fees, renovation services, landscaping, real estate agent commissions, home inspections, etc. are also subject to HST. The tax also applies to newly constructed and substantially renovated houses.
You shouldn’t charge HST on exempt supplies. For instance, you shouldn’t collect HST on taxable sales of real property. You shouldn’t claim input tax credit either on exempt supplies.
How to get an HST number?
You must get a harmonized sales tax number if you make taxable sales and leases or other supplies in Canada. Small suppliers are exempt. They include; persons whose revenue from worldwide taxable supplies is $30,000 or less, ($50,000 or less for PSBs/public service bodies over the past four consecutive calendar quarters).
In case you register for an HST number, but you are still a small supplier, you must stay registered for a year before cancelling your registration. Non-residents should register voluntarily if they are engaged in commercial activities in Ontario, Canada.
Before registering
Before opening an HST account, you need to know your effective registration date which is usually the date you stop being a small supplier or an earlier date. The date is usually different depending on whether you are registering voluntarily or not. You also need to know your total annual revenue before registering. To open an HST account for a division/branch of your business, you need to use a special application form.
How to register
There are three main ways to open an HST account.
1. Business registration online (BRO)
You can use BRO to get a business number and register for the main CRA program accounts including HST and payroll deductions. BRO is open to business owners, third party requesters as well as any other authorized representatives of your business.
You must meet some conditions to use BRO. First and foremost, you must have a valid social insurance number. You should also have your income tax return filed with the CRA. In regards to personal information requirements, you will need to provide your last name, social insurance number, D.O.B and personal postal code.
You can open an HST account using a representative. Representatives must provide a RepID or GroupID. Examples of business information needed include; business name, number, type of business, physical address, mailing address, and name/s as well as SIN of owners.
2. Using Form RC1
You can request for certain CRA program accounts like HST using form RC1. You can view the form here and register.
3. Call 1-833-826-3657
You can also get an HST number via phone. When using this method, you must be prepared to answer questions found in Form RC1.
Changing HST account details
You may need to change your HST account details depending on factors like changing business needs. There are clear guidelines for changing account details like; general business information, reporting period, accounting period and branch or division information. Check here to see if you can be able to make changes and how you can make those changes.
Using a representative for all your HST needs
The entire process of getting and managing an HST account can be a daunting task for business owners. That’s where we come in.
Payroll Xpress can handle all your HST needs and alleviate all the headaches that come with HST compliance. All you need to do is authorize us to represent you with CRA. We can speak to CRA and deal with them on your behalf on all CRA account issues that include; HST, corporate task, payroll and more.
What will Payroll Xpress do for you?
Our bookkeeping services cover HST. We will;
- Ensure you are using the correct tax rates for your revenue and expenditure
- Prepare monthly, quarterly and/or annual HST returns on your behalf and submit to the CRA
- Do HST tracking throughout the year for your monthly and quarterly remitters to ensure all HST related amounts are reported to the CRA.